Here are answers to some of the questions we hear most frequently. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.

Who is Tarpers?


Tarpers is a team of roof tarping professionals who are dedicated to using only top quality materials and non-invasive methods. We only work with insurance companies and, over the years, we have mastered the use of sand bags instead of nails for installing roof tarps, reducing the chances of additional damages.


How Does Non-Invasive Emergency Roof Tarping Installation Work?


The traditional roof tarping process is having strong large tarps nailed into the roof shingles to temporarily seal the damaged areas. But using nails will create penetrations in the roof and can lead to more problems. This can create an especially complex situation if the roof has minimal damages, or the location of the leak is unknown. Here at Tarpers, we use a non-invasive tarping method that replaces nails with sandbags. This provides the same security without putting the roof at risk of additional damages. 

Please note, there are some rare situations where we have no choice other than use nails. If this is the case, we will inform you before moving forward.


How Quickly Can I Get a Roof Tarp Installed?


At Tarpers we have teams available 7 days a week, so that in an emergency we can respond swiftly to your need. We install tarps and secure the home as it is safe to do so in effort to minimize interior damage. When large catastrophe hits, we will travel to the location and do our best to schedule on first come first serve basis. However, there may be additional factors that will prioritize one job over another (such as a hole in a roof vs missing shingles with no active leaks.)


Why is my tarp white instead of blue?


We use heavy duty and UV-treated polythylene material that can made in any color. They are better quality because they are made extra sturdy by the interwoven core, rope reinforced hems, and more than twice as thick as standard blue tarps you typically see at a hardware store.  We try to install white colored tarps to help reflect the sunlight and cool the home in catastrophe situation when it is common to have homes without power.


Are you insured?


Our team is fully licensed and insured.


How much do you charge?


Each job will be uniquely priced based on the complexities of the project, area being served, and market price at the time the job is completed.  With that said, our pricing is determined by the same estimating software used by your insurance company.  


Need Emergency Tarping Services in any Florida Area?


Tarpers is not only unique for its business but also for its dedication to serving property insurance companies. If you need emergency tarping services, please call us (407) 456 – 1434 or email us at admin@tarpers.com  We'll Cover For You!